Shopkins D’lish Donut Cake


Shopkins D’lish Donut

Here is my Vanilla Cake oversized Shopkins D’lish Donut Cake I made for my niece this weekend. 


Shopkins D’lish Donut

I used a large angel food cake pan and a Vanilla cake recipe that tastes just like a donut. The filling was Swiss Meringue Buttercream mixed with rainbow jimmies. 

I carve all the fondant decorations out by hand using an artist’s angled palette knife. This gives such clean lines. 

To figure out the placement of the icing and facial features I used a paper towel and a pen. Easy!


#shopkins #dlishdonut

2 responses to “Shopkins D’lish Donut Cake

  1. Pingback: 10 Adorable Shopkins Cakes - Pretty My Party·

  2. Pingback: 10 Adorable Shopkins Cakes - Pretty My Party·

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